Saturday, November 7, 2009


wahdatul-wujood, i.e. that all in existence isAllah, and that everything we see is only aspects of the Essence ofAllaah.In Hasan Ul Lughat farsi to urdu (this is english translation) page 941 the definition isAccording to sufis to percieve all existence is Wajood of ALLAH Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi the authority to sufis he writes about wahdatul wujood in his book FUSOOS AL HUKAM[red]“So the person with complete understanding is he whosees every object of worship to be a manifestation ofthe truth contained therein, for which it is worshipped.Therefore they all call it a god, along with its particularname, whether it is a rock, or a tree, or an animal, or aperson, or a star, or an angel.”

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Ibn 'Arabee declares their idol-worship to be correct since everythingwhich they worship is only the Lord appearing in the form of a human, a treeor a stone.

he goes beyond and said regarding Harun aleh salamLack of power was in fact the armour of Harun which saved him from the people of the Calf by mastery over the Calf as Musa had mastery over it. This is a wisdom from Allah which is manifest in existence that He should be worshipped in every formfusus al hukam page 194

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ALLAH should be worshipped in every form??!!!!Another place in Fusoos al Hukam page 92 he saidmeaningYou are a slave and you are RABB(ALLAH)to whomever you are a slave in respect of. And you are a RABB (ALLAH) and you are a slave to whoever possesses the covenant in speech. scanned image$pid=1255305840485

One more sufi elder on Wahda tul wujoodKHAWAJA GHULAM FAREED After agreeing that Wahda tul wujood is Haq, the question arises when all in existence is ALLAH, then why idol worshipping is Haram? The answer to this is that idol is not ALLAH and its not separate from ALLAH, example the hand of zaid is not zaid but its not separate from zaid.Muqabees al majalis urf isharaat e fareedi page 218

Refutation of Ibn e arabi from scholars

I will INSHALLAH now quote scholars regarding ibn e arabi, then i will quote Quran and sunnah.Hafiz ibn e Hajar asqalani said I asked our Shaykh Siraaj ad-Deen al-Balqeenee about ibn al-Arabee and he promptly replied that he was a kaafir.Leesan ul meezan 4/318 (copied from tanbeeh al ghani auther muhaddis al baq'ee student of ibn e hajar asqalani)online refrence

Hafiz dahabi said in tarjuma of ibn e arabi saidأهل الوحدة .ah lul wahdah (wah da tulwajood)“if his words are not kufr then there is no kufr in the world.” (then he quoted)it says evil shaykh kazzab, no way near to haq (such,truth) ….(then he quoted)ibn e daqeeq said I have heard shayk az ud din about ibn al arabi al taai he said he was an evil shaykh, a liar….Online refrence of seeyar ul ailaam ul nabala the book fusoos al hukam

Shams ud din Muhammad al aizree

said about the book of ibn e arabi(Scholars say)the whole book is on kufrsame tanbeeh al ghani (auther muhaddis al baqiee student of ibn e hajar asqalani)page 152Abu hiyan undalsi said in his tafseer of Quran under surah maidah ayah 17

And from the deviants who are on ittehaad and wahdat (wahdat al wujhood) example (hussain bin mansoor) al hallaj, shozi, ibn e ahlli ibn e arabi who lived in damishq, ibn e faraz and their followers, example ibn e sibieen and his student tistaree, the one who lived in marsiya ibn e matraf and who was killed in gharnatah al safaraa, ibn al balaaj and the one who lived in lawrqa abul hasan and we saw them on this Mal’oon MadhabOnline refrence of this tafseer


in his book fath ul bari rights against Wahdatul wajoodIbn e hajar asqalani said: The meaning of Tawheed of Allah SWT is to take shahaddah that he is One only, and some ghali sufis name it as The Tawheed of folks. 2 Groups have fabricated 2 things in the commentary of Tawheed, One of them is the Tafseer of Mutazilies that has been passed away, and the second one is from ghali Sufis........(then he said after quoting some deviant sufis)some of them went beyond the limits and leave the kuffar behind, then some of them went beyond the limits and said the meaning of tauheed is wahdatulwajood.

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This is clear Alhumdulillah that aqeedah of wahda tul wajood the the creed of deviants according to ibn e hajar asqalani

Mubahila between Hafiz ibn e hajar asqalani Rahimullah and follower of ibn e arabi wahdat al wajoodi(ibn e amen)
imam sakhawi quoted this in his book Al jawahir al daar fe tarjuma ibn e hajar asqalaniThe rival of ibn e hajar asqalani (ibn al ameen) said YA ALLAH if ibn e arabi was on Gumrahee may Curse be on meIbn e hajar asqalani saidif ibn e arabi was on hidayah May curse be on to me after Mubahila ibn al amen (follower of ibn e arabi wahdatul wajudi) died while he was blind. And this muhalia held in the month of Ramadanthis is also in al balaad ul mubeen 2/198and tanbeeh ul ghani of muhaddis burhan ul din al baaqiee page 136 and 137

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Hafiz Dahabee said regarding ibn e arabi in his book meezan ul aitedaalin short it sayssahib e kitab fusoos al hukam kazzab,he (ibn e arabi) is auther of books on tasawwuf and falsafa and he was from ahlul wahdah (wahda tulwajood) and said ashiya al munikrah.$pid=1255343803763

Our stance about ibn e arabiwe say like

If Mohieddin returned from his articles before death then he is not kafir

Proofs from the Qur’aan and Hadith tabieen and
MuhaddiseenFirst of All i would like to quote from the book Asal us sunnah wal aiteqaad ud din. imam abu Muhammad abdul Rahman abi hatim al razi said.I asked my father (abu hatim al razi) and Abu zur'a (Al Razi Ra) about madahib of ahlus sunnah on asool ul deen and on which creed they have seen the Ullemas of all CITIESand what is your creed. They said We have seen ullema of Hijaz, Iraq, Misar, Sham and Yemen on this Madhab. (then they mentioned some madhahib and 1 of them is)7. Allah is over his Throne bila kaif, and he is not with his creation (with his zaat) (then he said) His knowledge is everywhere, There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-SeerScan$pid=1256139258318$pid=1256139271079

Allah says: “The Most Gracious (Allah) rose over (Istawaa) the (Mighty) Throne (in amanner that suits His Majesty).” (Qur’an 20:5)According to this verse, we understand that Allah is over His Throne. other places in the Qur’an where Allah mentioned that He is over His Throne:7:5410:325:5932:4Ibn e kaseer said under surah 7 ayah 54(and then He rose over (Istawa) the Throne) the people had several conflicting opinions over its meaning. However, we follow the way that our righteous predecessors took in this regard, such as Malik, Al-Awza`i, Ath-Thawri, Al-Layth bin Sa`d, Ash-Shafi`i, Ahmad, Ishaq bin Rahwayh and the rest of the scholars of Islam, in past and present times. Surely, we accept the apparent meaning of, Al-Istawa, without discussing its true essence, equating it (with the attributes of the creation), or altering or denying it (in any way or form). We also believe that the meaning that comes to those who equate Allah with the creation is to be rejected, for nothing is similar to Allah, (There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.) [42:11]Indeed, we assert and affirm what the Imams said, such as Nu`aym bin Hammad Al-Khuza'i, the teacher of Imam Al-Bukhari, who said, "Whoever likens Allah with His creation, will have committed Kufr. Whoever denies what Allah has described Himself with, will have committed Kufr. Certainly, there is no resemblance (of Allah with the creation) in what Allah and His Messenger have described Him with. Whoever attests to Allah's attributes that the plain Ayat and authentic Hadiths have mentioned, in the manner that suits Allah's majesty, all the while rejecting all shortcomings from Him, will have taken the path of guidance.''(end of saying)

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said
“Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "Before Allah created the creations, He wrote a Book (wherein He has written): My Mercy has preceded my Anger." and that (Book) is written with Him over the Throne." .”(Sahih BUKHARI Book #93, Hadith #643)Abul – Aaliyah (90H) said:“Istawaa to the heaven (sky) means to elevate”(BUKHARI)The Taabe’I Mujaahid (101 H) said:“Istawaa (on the throne) means that Allah is elevated over the throne.”(BUKHARI)

Reported by Sufyaan Ibn Uyaynah “I was at Rabii’ah Ibn Abi Abdir – Rahmaan’s place and someone asked him: ‘Ar-Rahmaan (Allah) is Istawaa over the Throne. How was He Istawaa?’ So, he replied: ‘Al – Istawaa is not an unknown (word), but how did He Istawaa, this cannot be understood (by our limited mind),believing in it is obligatory, and questioning regarding it is an innovation (Bid’ah).”Mukhtasar al uluw by imam dahabee 132$pid=1255764940400$pid=1255764949813

Reported by Bishr Ibn Umar (207 H):

I heard more than one among the Muffassir saying: ‘Ar – Rahmaan (Allah) is Istawaa over the Throne- means that He is elevated over the Throne.”sharah asool ul aiteqaad ah lus sunnah wal jamah raqam 662$pid=1255396571598$pid=1255396576774

Al – Awzaaii (157 H) said:“We were saying (this) and the Taabeiin were in great number:‘Allah is over His Throne, and we believe (have faith/Imaan) in His attributes which have been mentioned in the Sunnah.”(kitab ul asma wal siffat of BAIHAQI No 865)scanned page of asma wal siffat of imam behqi$pid=1255812977347

Ibn e abdul barr in his sharah of mottah at tamheed said

and in this is an evidence that Allaah is over (fee) the heaven, over (alaa) Throne, above (fawqa) the seven heavens, as is said by the Jama'ah, and this is their proof against the Mu'tazila and the Jahmiyyah in their saying that Allaah is in every place, not over the Throne. And the evidence for what the People of truth say on that is His saying: 'The Most Merciful rose over the Throne'(20:5) 'Then He rose over the Throne...' (32:4) 'Then He rose over the heaven when it was smoke' (41:11) 'Then they would surely have sought out a way to (ilaa) the Lord of the Throne' (17:42) 'To Him ascend all goodly words...'(35:10) 'So when His Lord appeared to the mountain, He made it to collapse to dust' (7:143)'Do you feel secure that he who is over (fee) the heaven will not cause the earth to sink on you?' (67:16) 'Glorify the name of your Lord Most High' (87:1) At tamheed volume 7 kitab ul dua$pid=1255646523889

Imam abu Hanifah Rahimullah said:

Verily Allah is not on earth but he is in heaven, then a person said ALLAH says He (ALLAH) is with you. He (abu hanifah RA ) replied its like when you write anyone i am with you but you are not with him.(with your zaat)Al asma wal siffat 2/170Quran says in Surah hadeed ayah 4He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and then rose (Istawa) over the Throne. He knows what goes into the earth and what comes forth from it, and what descends from the heaven and what ascends thereto. And He is with you wheresoever you may be. And Allah is the All-Seer of what you do ibn e kaseer saidmeaning, He is watching over you and witnessing your deeds wherever you may be, on land or at sea, during the night or the day, at home or in open areas or deserts. All of that is the same before His knowledge and all of it is under His sight and hearing. He hears your speech and sees where you are. He knows your secrets and your public statements

AT TABRI said (under same ayah)He knows You where ever you are, He knows your deeds... and He is above seven heavens over his thorne. bin mazahim al hilali al khurasaani (106 h) said:He(ALLAH) is on ARSH and His knowledge is with (people) wherever they are.At tabri volume 28 page 10 (with hasan chain)

Allah says

“They (the angels) fear their Lord above them, and they do what they are commanded.” (Qur’an 16:50)“And He is the Irresistible, (supreme) above His slaves …” (Qur’an 6:18)“Do you feel secure that He, Who is over the heaven (Allah), will not cause the earth to sink with you, and then it should quake? Or do you feel secure that He, who is over the heaven (Allah), will not send against you a violent whirlwind? Then you shall know how (terrible) has been My Warning.” (Qur’an 67:16-17)At-Tabari (310H) said in tafsir of this ayah:“Or do you feel secure that He, Who is above the heavens – He is Allah – will not send against you a violent whirlwind.”

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said :“The merciful will be shown mercy by Ar-Rahmaan (Allah). Have mercy on those who are on earth, so that the One who is above the heaven will have mercy on you.”(TIRMIZI 1847)

Reported by Mu’aawiyah ibnul – Hakam
...I had a maid-servant who tended goats by the side of Uhud and Jawwaniya. One day I happened to pass that way and found that a wolf had carried a goat from her flock. I am after all a man from the posterity of Adam. I felt sorry as they (human beings) feel sorry. So I slapped her. I came to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and felt (this act of mine) as something grievous I said: Messenger of Allah, should I not grant her freedom? He (the Holy Prophet) said: Bring her to me. So I brought her to him. He said to her: Where is Allah? She said: (fe as sama). He said: Who am I? She said: Thou art the Messenger of Allah. He said: Grant her freedom, she is a believing woman. (sahih muslim Book #004, Hadith #1094)From this Hadith, we understand that the Prophet considered her answer that Allah is above the heaven as a proof that she is a believer.Abu Sa’iid Ad – Daarmi (280H) said:

“In this Hadith of the Messenger of Allah, there is proof that if a person does not know that Allah is above the heaven without being on the earth, he is not a Mu’min (believer).”(AR-RAD AL-JAHMIYYAH pg 39)scan pages$pid=1255817525327

With regards to the ascent itself, the Mi’raaj (ascent) of our Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم to the seventh heaven where Allah talked to him directly clearly shows that Allah is high up above the heavens.During the Mi’raaj, while returning, Prophet met Mousaa Alehsalam on the sixth heaven, and Mousaa Alehsalam told him:“Return to your Rab (Allah), and ask Him to reduce (the number of prayers) for your Ummah.” (BUKHARI 12047)Had Allah been everywhere, there would have been no necessity for the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم to ascend to the seventh heaven again to ask Allah to reduce the number of prayers.ab saeed darami said:“If Allah was everywhere like they pretend, Israa, Buraaq and Mi’raaj (all these) would have been meaningless.”(AR-RAD ALAL-JAHMIYYAH Pg 57)$pid=1255819067495

In the Qur’aan and the authentic sunnah, Allah and His Messenger ??? ???? ???? ???? let us know that creatures and all created things ascend towards Allah. This is another proof that Allah is High Up.“To Him ascend (all) the goodly words.” (Qur’an 35:10)Prophet Peace be upon him said:“Nothing ascends towards Allah except what is good (good actions)” Sahih Bukhari hadees no: 6878Reported by Abdullah Ibnus – Saa’ib:“Allah’s Messenger was praying 4 rakaahs of prayer after zawaal (midday), before zuhr, and he said:‘Certainly This is a time when the doors of heaven are open and I like that during this time a good action of mine goes up (to Allah).”(TIRMIZI 1440)Ad darami quoted THESE AYAHS in his book AR RAD AL JAHMIYAH PAGE 54

“All praises and thanks be to Allah, Who has sent down to His slave (Muhammad) the Book (the Qur’an).” (Qur’an 18:1)
AL E IMRAN AYAH 3. It is He Who has sent down the Book to you with truth, confirming what came before it. And He sent down the Tawrah and the Injil,) SURAH FUSSILAT ayah 1. Ha Mim.)(2. A revelation from the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.) Surah qadar ayah 1 Surah dukhan ayah 2surah noor ayah 1and then he (Ad – Daarmi) (280 H) said “All these are proofs that Allah has descended it (Al Quran) from Him from the heaven.” Scan page

Allah says:

“O Eesaa! I will take you and raise you to Myself.” (Qur’an 3:55)The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:“Each night when one-third of the night remains, our Rab descends to the heaven (sky) of Dunyaa and He says: (calling upon)‘Whoever calls upon Me, I will answer him. Whoever asks Me, I will give him. Whoever seeks forgiveness from Me, I will forgive him.” (BUKHARI 1077)Ibn Abi Zamaniin said:“This Hadith shows clearly that Allah is above His Throne, above the heaven, not on earth.” (USOUL - US - SUNNAH Pg 113)this is refrence from ijtima al jusush by ibn e qayyam al joziyah

Talking concerning Aqueedah of the Ahlus–Sunnah, Ibn Abi Zamaniin said:“Allah is separated from His creatures. He is veiled from them by veils.”(USOUL – US – SUNNAH Pg 106)online refrence

Allah says

“And Fir’aun (Pharaoh) said: ‘Oh Haaman! Build me a tower that I may arrive at the ways – The ways of the heavens, and I may look upon the Ilaah (God) of Mousa; But verily, I think him to be a liar.” (Qur’an 40:36-37)Imam abu saeed darami said regarding this ayah“In this verse there is a clear statement (declaration) and an obvious indication that Moosaa was preaching to Fir-awn that Allah is over the heavens. This is why he ordered the building of the monument and he wanted to know Him.”(AR – RAD ALAL – JAHMIYYAH Pg 38)


tabri said under this ayah“(Fir-awn) said: ‘I think that Moosaa is a liar in what he is saying and he is pretending that he has a Rab above the heaven who sent him to us.”

Reported by Usaamah ibn Zayd
“When the Messenger of Allah was extremely ill, I went to Madinah accompanied by some people. I entered the Messenger of Allah’s place, he was quiet and he was no longer talking. He raised his two hands towards the heaven and then he bent them towards me. (By this) I came to know that he was supplicating (asking du’aa) for me.”(AHMAD 20760)Ibn Abdil Bar (463 H) said in tamheed sharah mawttah MalikAnd also from the proofs that Allaah is over the Throne , above the seven heavens is that the Believers in Tawheed (muwahhideen), all of them, arabs and non-arabs, when a matter concerns them, or a difficulty befalls them, they raise their faces to the heaven, and direct their raised hands to the heaven, seeking succour from Allaah, their Lord. And this is common amongst the general masses as well as the elite (khaasa)....And the Prophet (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) said to the slave girl whose master wished to free her if she was a believer, so the Messenger (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) tested her asking her, 'where is Allaah?' So she pointed to the heaven. Then he asked, 'who am I?' So she said, 'you are the Messenger of Allaah'. So he said, 'set her free for she is a believer.' So it sufficed the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) from her, her raising her face to the heaven and was content with that, not requiring anything else. Scanned pages$pid=1255944166474

Reported by Ibn Umar that when the Prophet died, Abu Bakr Radhiallah anho said“Oh people, if Muhammad was your ilaah whom you worshiped, then, (know that) your ilaah is already dead. And if your Ilaah Who is over the heavens is your Ilaah, then, He is not dead.”(IBN ABI SHAYBAH 7/427)Reported by Zakwaan“When Aaishah was near her death, Ibn Abbaas asked permission to visit her, and then he said to her:Among the wives of the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم , he loved you the most, and he did not love except which is good …… Allah Ta’laa has sent proof of your innocence through jibreal from above the seven heavens.”AHMAD vol 1/276 haDEES 2366

Ibn Abbaas said:

“When Allah talked to Mousaa, the call was (from) above the heavens, and Allah was over the heavens.”scan page from KHALQ – AF – AALIL IBAAD radd al jahmiya by imam bukhari page 19$pid=1255958044288

Suyuti also quoted this in durr e mansoor from ibn e abi hatimthe chain of this athar is in Tafseer of ibn e abi hatim volume 9 page 2974

Ayyoub As Sakhtiyaani said concerning
the Mu’tazilah:The thing on which they revolve is that they say that there is no one over the heavensScan mukhtasar al uluw by imam dahabee page 132$pid=1255959201621

Reported by Abu Mutwii’ Al – Baalkhi “I asked Imaam Abu Haniifah (150 H) concerning one who says:‘I don’t know if my Rab is over the heavens or on the earth.’He replied:‘He has committed kufr (disbelief) because Allah is saying: Ar Rahmaan is elevated over the throne, and His Throne is above His heavens.”(MUKHTASWAR – UL – ULU’ Pg 136, AWN – UL – MA’BOUD 9/76)scan from mukhtasar al uluw by dahabee$pid=1255764962325

Sulaymaan Ibn Bilaal At – Taymi (172 H) said:

If I am questionned about where Allah is, I will say that He is over the heavens.”
Sharah asool ul aiteqaad ahlus sunnah page 401scan page$pid=1255959979644

Fatwa of Imam abhu hanifah RAThose who denied that God Almighty is (fe as sama) has disbelievedmukhtasar al uluw by dahabee page 137scan$pid=1255960432841

Ibn Khuzaymah (311 H) said:

in his book Kitab ut Toheed Page 257“Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High.” (Qur’an 87:1)“Al – A’laa is understood in language that He is higher than everything and He is above everything.”


Ayyoub As – Sakhtiyaani (131 H) said concerning

the Mu’tazilah“The thing on which they revolve is that they say that there is no one over the heavens.”(SIYAR ul ailam ul nabala volume 6 page 24)

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Abdur Rahmaan Ibn Mahdi (198 H) said:

“The Jahmiyyah wanted to deny that Allah talked to Moosaa and that Allah is Istawaa over the throne. My opinion (concerning them) is that they should be asked to do Tawbah (repentance). If they do Tawbah (it is good). Or else they should be beheaded.”SIYAR ul ailam ul nabala by dahabee vol 9 page 199)$pid=1255992940548$pid=1255992953877

Qutaybah Ibn Sa’iid (240 H) said

“This is the saying of the Imaams of Islam, and (Aqeedah) of Ahl – us – Sunnah - wal – Jamaa’ah: We know that our Rab is above the seventh heaven over His Throne.”SIYAR ul ailaam ul nabala vol 11 page 20)


Al – Muzani (246 H) said

“Nobody’s Tawheed is valid until he acknowledges that Allah Ta’aalaa is over (His) Throne, along with His attributes (Swifaat).”SIYAR ul ailaam ul nabala vol 12 page 494Scan$pid=1255992975506

Abu Bakr Al – Baaqillani (403 H) said:

“If they ask: ‘Do you say that He (Allah) is everywhere?’We reply: ‘We seek refuge (from such a word). But He is elevated over His throne in the manner He has informed (us) in His Book: scan$pid=1255992988719

after quoting him dahabee said in next page SIYAR ul ailam ul nabala vol 17 page 558I say this manhaj is the way of salaf....


Muhammad Ibn Mus’ab (228 H) said:

“(Oh Allah) I testify that You are above the throne, above the seven heavens. Not like the infidels, who are the enemies of Allah, sayAs siffaat by imam darqutni raqam 61online refrence

Reported by Ali Ibnul Hassan

“I asked Abdullah Ibnul Mubaarak (181 H):‘How must we know our Rab?So he replied:“ above the seventh heaven, above His Throne, separated from His creatures. We do not say like the Jahmiyyah who say that He is here on earth.”Scan page from as sunnah by abdullah bin ahmad bin hamble Rahimullah page 111$pid=1256003901591$pid=1256029769091

one more scan of as sunnah of abdullah bin ahmad
bin hambleraqam 216$pid=1256057979983

some people quote ayat ul qursi

AL BAQRAH AYAH 255 His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earthAnd in this tafseer people quote ibn e abbas RAThe meaning of Kursi is Knowledge of ALLAH.1st of all this is not sabit from Abdullah bin abbas RA. Abdullah bin abbas RA himself said "Kursi is the footstool, and no one is able to give due consideration to [Allah's] Throne.'' Al-Hakim recorded this Hadith in his Mustadrak from Ibn `Abbas, who did not relate it to the Prophet . Al-Hakim said, "It is Sahih according to the criteria of the Two Sahihs, and they (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) did not record it.'' In addition, Ad-Dahhak said that Ibn `Abbas said, "If the seven heavens and the seven earths were flattened and laid side by side, they would add up to the size of a ring in a desert, compared to the Kursi.''Same tafseer ibn e kaseer under same ayahSaddi saidKursi is in front of arshHasan basri said Kursi is arash(then ibn e kaseer said) والصحيح أن الكرسي غير العرش، والعرش أكبر منه،True is this that Kursi is different and Arsh is different And its bigger, as evidenced by athar and akhbaar(END)Abu bakkar al jazairi said IN HIS TAFSEER{ كرسيّة }: الكرسي: موضع القدمين، ولا يعلم كنهه إلا الله تعالىKursi refers to Qadamain (footstool) and no one have knowledge except ALLAH(meaning we can’t do tashbeeh of kursi we have to believe bila kaif wala tashbeeh)(END)Imam razi quoted some opinions 1st one is from ibn e abbas Radhiallahanho thatروي عن سعيد بن جبير عن ابن عباس رضي الله تعالى عنهما أنه قال: موضع القدمين،Narrated from saeed bin jubayr From ibn e Abbas Radhiallahanho that he said footstool

2ndly Ibn e Abbas RA himself said AS I quoted
“When Allah talked to Mousaa, the call was (from) above the heavens, and Allah was over the heavens.”scan page from KHALQ – AF – AALIL IBAAD radd al jahmiya by imam bukhari page 19$pid=1255958044288

Suyuti also quoted this in durr e mansoor from ibn e abi hatimthe chain of this athar is in Tafseer of ibn e abi hatim volume 9 page 2974

3rdly after quoting the qol of Ibne abbas RA where he said it means Knowledge.abu abdullah Muhammad bin ishaq BIN yAHYA BIN mundah saidلم یتابع علیھhe did not followed him and saidوروى عن أبي موسى الأشعريأن الكرسي موضع القدمینIts Narrated from abu moosa ashari that kursi reffers to qadmain.

Some quote sharah of nawawi
Imam Malik bin Anas (rah) waghera interpreted it by saying : ["your Lord descends"] means "His mercy, command, and angels descend," just as it is said, "The sultan did such-and-such," when his followers did it at his command.( تنزل رحمته وأمره وملائكته كما يقال : فعل السلطان كذا إذا فعله أتباعه بأمره) The second is that it is a ''metaphor' (الاستعارة )' signifying [Allah's] concern for those making supplication, by answering them and kindness toward them (Sahih Muslim bi Sharh al-Nawawi, Volume No. 6, Page No.31, Published by Dar ul Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon).ReplyFirst of all Darqutni Narrated from Waleed bin Muslim THAT I have asked Malik, Thawri, Ozaai and Lais bin saad Rahim hamullah about Siffat of ALLAH They said, leave them like how they are. أمروها كما جاءت بلا كيف (meaning we can not say anything ALLAH knows only)Darqutni quoted in As siffaat, Ajaree in As Shariyah page 314 and Behqi in Al aiteqaad page 118, and ibn e abdul barr in his sharah of Mottah At tamheed 7/149scanned page from as siffat by darqutn


Ibn e abdul Barr in his sharah of Mawttah proved under same hadith descend of ALLAH. And proved ALLAH is above his Thorne (bila kaif wa la tashbeeh) Scan pages already Providedthis is statement of ibn e abdul barr under this hadees of nuzooland in this is an evidence that Allaah is over the heaven, over Throne, above the seven heavens, as is said by the Jama'ah, and this is their proof against the Mu'tazila and the Jahmiyyah in their saying that Allaah is in every place, not over the Throne. And the evidence for what the People of truth say on that is His saying: 'The Most Merciful rose over the Throne'(20:5) 'Then He rose over the Throne...' (32:4) 'Then He rose over the heaven when it was smoke' (41:11) 'Then they would surely have sought out a way to (ilaa) the Lord of the Throne' (17:42) 'To Him ascend all goodly words...'(35:10) 'So when His Lord appeared to the mountain, He made it to collapse to dust' (7:143)'Do you feel secure that he who is over (fee) the heaven will not cause the earth to sink on you?' (67:16) 'Glorify the name of your Lord Most High' (87:1) At tamheed volume 7 kitab ul dua (scanned already given)Note according to muqallideen Ibn e abdul barr was muqallid of Imam Malik and he gave the evidences of people of truth. What do muqallideen mean his own imam was not in people of truth??

I already proved from imam Malik himself he believed in them bila kaif wa la tashbeehThis is other proof from imam malik (UMME SALMA AND IBN E UNIYAH)imam Malik said concerning the attribute of istiwaa:"Al-Istiwaa is known, and how is unknown, and to have imaan (faith) in it is obligatory, and to question it is an innovation".scan from asool ul aiteqaad PAGE 398 AND 399$pid=1256411999129$pid=1256412013397

one more refrence from Imam Malik

Imam Malik saidAllah is Above the heaven, and His knowledge is in every place, nothing is hidden from Him." scan from as sunnah by abdullah bin ahmad bin humble$pid=1256618466706

imam Ibn e Khuzaima in his book Kitab ut toheed

made the ChapterChapter that ALLAH Azzawajal is (fe as sama) over the heavenscan$pid=1256445432829

Ibn e khuzaimah Again saidChapter in the evidence that saying ALLAH is over heaven is the part of eemanscan$pid=1256445444697

Imam Hakim (sahib e Mustadrak)said in his book Muarifat al aloom al hadees page 84I herad Muhammad bin saleh bin hani he said i heard Abu bakkar Muhammad bin Ishaq bin khuzaimah Whoever disacknowledges that Allaah is above His 'Arsh, above His seven heavens, and that He is separated from His creatures, is a Kafir, (unbeliever). Such person must be ordered to repent and disavow his belief, or else he must be beheaded and thrown on a garbage dump so that neither Ahlul-Qiblah [The Muslims in general.] nor Ahludth-dthimmah [Christian or Jewish subjects of a Muslim country] be annoyed by the foul odor of his carcass." scan$pid=1256445465182$pid=1256445471480

Some may Quote ibn e hajar asqalani RA
Ibn Hajar’s comments from Fathul Bari:Some say that the ''Literal meaning is meant in true sense'': these are the Mushabbiha and Allah is exalted above what they say.Another quote from ibn e hajar Some have taken them as they have come, believing in them without specificity, declaring Allah to be transcendent above modality(kayfiyya) and likeness to creation (tashbih): these are the vast majority of the Salaf. That position is reported by Bayhaqi and others from the Four Imams, Sufyan ibn `Uyayna, Sufyan al-Thawri, Hammad ibn Salama, Hammad ibn Zayd, al-Awza`i, al-Layth, and others.REPLY

Here ibn e hajar asqalani RAHIMULLAH is talking about Mushabbiha who do tashbeeh

Salaf and tabieen and we believe bila kaif wa la tasheebh. Like Quran says for there is nothing like Him whatsoever

when we say: "Allah is above the Throne" (Allah `ala al-`arsh), it does not mean that He is touching it or that He is located on it or bounded by a certain side of the Throne. Rather, it is a report which is transmitted as is, and so we repeat it while at the same time negating any modality for there is nothing like Him whatsoeveronline refrence of fath ul bari

Infact Ibn e hajar asqalani Rahimullah was strongly against wah datul wajoodIbn e hajar asqalani said: The meaning of Tawheed of Allah SWT is to take shahaddah that he is One only, and some ghali sufis name it as The Tawheed of folks. 2 Groups have fabricated 2 things in the commentary of Tawheed, One of them is the Tafseer of Mutazilies that has been passed away, and the second one is from ghali Sufis........(then he said after quoting some deviant sufis)some of them went beyond the limits and leave the kuffar behind,] then some of them went beyond the limits and said the meaning of tauheed is wahdatulwajood. Fath ul bari kitab ul toheed chapter 1Scanned pages already given beforeThis is clear Alhumdulillah that aqeedah of wahda tul wajood the the creed of deviants according to ibn e hajar asqalani

ibn Batta Al Akburi (b.304H - d.387) said in his book
أجمع المسلمون من الصحابة والتابعين وجميع أهل العلم من المؤمنين أن الله تبارك وتعالى على عرشه فوق سمواته بائن من خلقه وعلمه محيط بجميع خلقهولا يأبى ذلك ولا ينكره إلا من انتحل مذاهب الحلولية وهم قوم زاغت قلوبهم واستهوتهم الشياطين فمرقوا من الدين وقالوا : إن الله ذاته لا يخلو منه مكان". It is the consensus of the Muslims from the sahabah and the tabi’een and all people of Ilm that Allah (swt) is over his throne above the heavens, distant from his creation but his knowledge surrounds all his creation. No one denied that nor rejected it, except those who followed the school of hululiyyah (those who embodied Allah), and they are people whose heart is blind and the shaytan follows them and they come out of the deen and they say, ‘there is no place in the earth that does not contain the zaat of Allah.’”[Al Ibana ‘an Shari’atu Firqatun Najiyah – chapter of “Allah above his throne, distance from his creation” v3 p136]

[Imaam al-Bukhaaree narrates from] Muhammad bin Yusuf al-Firyaabee (d. 212H) [that he] said:

Whoever says Allaah is not above His Throne is a kaafir and whoever claims that Allaah did not speak to Moses is a kaafir.

Khalq Af'aal il-Ibaad" of Imaam al-Bukhaaree (p. 15).

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And Muhammad bin Yusuf is the Shaykh of al-Bukhaaree, and he was from ash-Shaam Reply

I Think this is enough there are many other evidences. there is not a single verse of Quran and not a single hadith which talk about wahda tul wajood.and there is not a single salaf scholar and tabieen who have creed like wahda tul wajood.infact scholars rejected this false creed.

AN article from

Asim Bhai ( Islam defebder orkut profile )

1 comment:

  1. Jazak ALLAh Khairan kasera for this useful addition in ur nowledge brother asim
